Web-based Data Distribution

Supplying a service network with current information is a challenging task for the vehicle manufacturer. Software and diagnostic data for all vehicles should be available at any time anywhere in the world.

Flashen und Codieren

To ensure this, we have developed a web-based platform that combines significant benefits:

  • Cost-effective and efficient operation
  • Easy and worldwide access to the data
  • Secure data storage in "secured containers" on the workshop system
  • Application control through configurable user rights


The web-based platform offers

  • the distribution of diagnostic packages to the workshops
  • the recording of result data and provision for statistical evaluation
  • the comparison of the vehicle condition with the target condition according to production
  • the documentation of changes made to the vehicle

The entire data exchange between the workshop system and the web-based diagnostic platform takes place in the background. This ensures that the data is always up to date and that the user can work without interruption at the same time.

Sven Lüttwitz

We are ready to help!

Sven Lüttwitz
+49 (0) 2408 9492-0

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