Presentation at the Diagnostics Conference Dresden on Challenges in the Diagnosis of Service-Oriented Vehicle Architectures

From May 23rd to the 24th 2023, DSA will once again be taking part in the 16th Conference on Diagnostics in Mechatronic Vehicle Systems in Dresden with a presentation and as an exhibitor. The conference takes place annually and offers researchers, manufacturers, service providers and suppliers a platform for exchange. This year, the focus will be on the diagnostic tasks that new vehicle operating systems bring with them in connection with Software-Defined Vehicles.

Software is going to become the most important driver of innovation in the automotive industry in the near future. The decoupling of software and hardware enables the parallel development of software functions for several hardware platforms. The term Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) describes this vision of software-driven automotive technology.

The SDV vision requires the software to be easily updatable and upgradable through a suitable architecture. An example for this is the Automotive Service-Oriented Architecture (ASOA), which enables dynamic system integration at execution time. SDV and the ASOA platform in combination with continuous upgradeability lead to new challenges for both software development and vehicle diagnostics.

In their presentation, Dr. Boris Böhlen and Dr. Oliver Meyer from DSA, together with representatives from RWTH Aachen University, provide an early overview of ASOA and present possible solutions to these challenges. Follow the presentation on 23rd of May, at 10:15 am. The experts look forward to interesting questions and the discussion.

All information about the conference at the International Congress Center in Dresden can be found at


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