Onboard Diagnostic Systems for the After Sales Digitalization

As an implementation partner for vehicle manufacturers, with its expertise in the areas of flashing and coding, DSA develops the technical requirements for powerful onboard diagnostic systems. This is because the basis for device-independent diagnostics in vehicles is a sufficient data logistics. To achieve the necessary performance and processing speed, existing resources in the vehicle need to be used efficiently. To achieve this, components of external offboard test systems are to be adapted accordingly so that they can also run in an internal environment with fewer resources. This gives OEMs the opportunity to use lean yet powerful onboard diagnostic systems either as a proprietary or OTX solution. With the new highly functional systems, diagnoses that were previously performed via offboard systems with external test equipment can also be performed onboard.

Among other things, the onboard diagnosis enables the continuous transmission of errors to the workshop from the vehicle while driving. This means that the vehicle does not even have to be driven to the workshop for diagnosis and, depending on the error, also for repair. Instead, the technician in the workshop connects directly to the vehicle online. Using the onboard diagnostics system, they not only read out the data, but can also initiate necessary software updates remotely.
If a visit to the workshop should nevertheless be necessary, on the basis of the error already transmitted to the workshop, a repair can be planned in advance and necessary spare parts made available.  In addition, the workshop can proactively contact its customers in order to inform them about errors. This avoids major damage to the vehicle and thus helps to reduce costs for the customer.

There are additional benefits for the workshop: Because data from the vehicle can be constantly read out, the workshop is constantly informed about the technical condition of the vehicle and can recommend suitable offers to the car owner.

For OEMs, this opens up new lean business processes in after sales. For example, for the installation of security updates over the air, for recalls, service offers or the activation of vehicle functions on demand. The systems can be used in the entire model range of high-volume manufacturers.

If you require more information please contact us for a personal consultation about our solutions for onboard diagnostic systems sales@dsa.de.

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