Flashing and testing high voltage batteries by PRODIS.TrueBattery

High-voltage batteries are the core element in electric vehicles. However, as a cost-driving and technically complex component of the vehicle, it presents OEMs with several challenges. To ensure the safe and long-lasting operation of the battery in the electric vehicle, extensive functional and safety tests are required before the battery packs are installed. At the same time, the efficient production of electric vehicles is a major challenge.

DSA has teamed up with Digatron, the expert for battery test and formation systems, to offer PRODIS.TrueBattery, a modular solution for testing and commissioning of high-voltage batteries and battery modules which meets the requirements of automotive companies.

PRODIS.TrueBattery supports comprehensive electrical testing of battery modules before they are installed in the high-voltage battery as well as mechanical and electrical tests of battery packs. The test results are incorporated into a revision-proof documentation which can be used as a basis for future traceability.

In addition, PRODIS.TrueBattery supports important features such as programming the firmware for the batteries, subsequent verification of the firmware status and checking the safety relevant functions of the battery management system (BMS).

Thus, it is ensured that at the time of installation in the vehicle and also in the subsequent production process the appropriate pre-defined configuration of the battery is in place and an efficient assembly is supported.

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