DSA funds dynamic StartUp with digitalHUB scholarship

During the online DemoDay of the digitalHUB Aachen, DSA CEO Dr. Thomas Huth announced that the  digitalHUB scholarship has been awarded to the StartUp Applimeda GmbH on 20.01.2022. With this scholarship, DSA specifically supports young companies in the implementation of their promising digital solutions.

The social significance of the "App on prescription" is a key factor in the decision to award the scholarship this year. The digital solution developed by Applimeda helps people with ankylosing spondylitis to integrate a medically important exercise program into their everyday lives. Bekhterev's disease affects approximately 1% of the European population and, according to the current status, is still considered incurable. However, continuous and targeted training show very good results here. "Applimeda" is an app that can be prescribed to patients by their physician.

"For us, this is a great example of how digitization is not an end in itself, but instead makes a very positive difference for the people affected. As an innovation-driven, medium-sized company from Aachen, DSA particularly supports and promotes promising and forward-looking business initiatives and startups in the region, thereby giving a further boost to digitization, which is currently so important for us," said Dr. Thomas Huth at this year's scholarship award ceremony.

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