Dres. Schäfer-Schulz Foundation supports Aachen Hospice

Not only by promoting cultural events and projects in the field of monument preservation in Aachen, DSA emphasizes its commitment to the Aachen region, where the company has been located for 40 years now. Also, with the social charity foundation Dres. Schäfer-Schulz Stiftung, which was established in DSA's anniversary year 2020, the executive couple Schäfer-Schulz supports numerous regional projects. The foundation is intended to promote science and research as well as education and professional training in the technology region of Aachen and to contribute to the transfer of research results into practical applications. In addition, the foundation supports social and welfare institutions.

One such institution is the Hospiz am Iterbach, where severely ill people are cared for at the end of their days. In the hospice, which is also supported by a foundation, the focus is on medical care in the sense of palliative medicine and human support through ambulatory and stationary hospice services. Because of cancelled events, the hospice foundation lost much of its funding this year. In order to compensate for these shortfalls, the Schäfer-Schulz couple is helping the Hospice Foundation Aachen Region with a substantial donation. The donation was presented on November 16, 2020 at the Haus am Iterbach in Aachen. It is intended to continue supporting the hospice initiative in the future.

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