Central Production Control PRODIS.Server

Off-HighwayCommercial VehiclesAutomotive

PRODIS.Server is the central control component for test and diagnostic systems in production. It manages the entire data exchange between the test systems and the customer’s production IT.

PRODIS.Server supplies all available test systems with required production data like vehicle configuration as well as ODX and flash data. Data is imported from the customer IT systems. All result data collected by the test devices during diagnostics and commissioning are reported to PRODIS.Server, centrally stored there and can be passed to other systems, e.g. quality management systems.

PRODIS.Server stores the diagnostics sequences created in PRODIS.Automation, as well as the distribution of the test devices in a release management and, makes them centrally available for the test system. Web-based PRODIS.Control controls and monitors the distribution.

Because of its central role, PRODIS.Server is highly available and monitors devices, production processes and internal processing.

PRODIS.Server stores all data, e.g. test results, in a database. This database forms the basis for further evaluation with the analysis tool PRODIS.Insight.

PRODIS.Control is the state-of-the-art web-based user interface extension to PRODIS.Server, which intuitively guides the operator through all administration and reporting tasks. Detailed user management assigns individual rights to each user at logon time and guarantees maximum security.

PRODIS.Control supports representation in any language and thus enables worldwide use.
Thanks to its modular design (plug-in technology), PRODIS.Control can be extended with customer process-specific functionality.

Commercial Vehicles

The management and documentation of the highly customized off-highway vehicles require a solid middleware that ensures that all vehicles are configured and tested fully and correctly.

The increased complexity of vehicle electronics requires integration of disparate data sources and interfaces to guide the assembly process. With their powerful integration of external IT interfaces, PRODIS.Server is the perfect middleware for challenge.

A high-volume production requires a reliable solution that ensures that the production line will continue working even in the case of network outages. The buffering, control and monitoring capabilities of PRODIS.Server ensure that the right data is available on the right device at the right time.


  • Central system for integration of DSA test systems into production
  • Production-comprehensive management and distribution of vehicle and diagnostics data
  • Collection and documentation of test result data
  • Database for comprehensive analysis of test results
  • Highly available through cluster technology and redundant network connection


PRODIS.Server Backend

  • Central system for integration of DSA test systems into production
  • Production-comprehensive management and distribution of vehicle and diagnostics data
  • Collection and documentation of test result data
  • Database for comprehensive analysis of test results
  • Highly available through cluster technology and redundant network connection


  • Control and editing of vehicle option data
  • Monitoring and administration of test equipment
  • Management and distribution of diagnostic applications and data, incl. ODX files and flash data containers
  • Collection, archival storage and analysis of test result data, comprehensive statistical reports
  • Analysis and control of test processes
  • Acquisition and display of the used program versions of all connected systems
  • System monitoring of the complete system incl. all data processes and interfaces within the system and to third-party systems

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