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Alfons Schultesales@dsa.de
+49 (0) 2408 9492-0
The data analysis tool PRODIS.Insight for the production environment is used to graphically display and examine the diagnostic data collected on the PRODIS.Server.
PRODIS.Insight is installed as an extension of PRODIS.Server on the central statistics server and can be used without a local installation in the web browser.
While the focus of the evaluation in PRODIS.Control is on automated statistics evaluation, PRODIS.Insight enables the interactive analysis of collected diagnostics and process data by means of data drill-down. On request, PRODIS.Insight can be used to create customer-specific overviews (dashboards) for process monitoring.
During the interactive data analysis in PRODIS.Insight, the search for possible error causes is done based on aggregate and filtered data, the evaluation of which is refined in the direction of a specific diagnosis step (drill-down).
Drill down to the specifics of each parametrization step and maintain a complete overview of the vehicle run.
Gain valuable insights into the manufacturing process to quickly and efficiently detect sources of error.
Supports the management of high volume production by increasing the transparency of the results.