Events and projects

Want to learn more about DSA? Take the opportunity to meet us personally at the 'Nacht der Unternehmen', the bonding AutomotiveDay or other recruiting events.

Inform yourself about details of our various projects, in which, for example, we're committed to the engineering talents of tomorrow or to facing the challenges of the future.

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FH Campus, Eupener Straße

Nacht der Unternehmen

Technologiezentrum Aachen


Hackathon of TGZ and Future Lab Aachen

We Support Tomorrow’s Young Engineers

IT-enthusiastic students can get to know us at the annual hackathon of the Transfer and Gründerzentrum (TGZ) of the RWTH Aachen. In an inspiring founder garage atmosphere and with free catering, students of all disciplines can dedicate themselves to exciting coding tasks in small teams. At the end of the workshop, the best and most creative solutions are rewarded with winners’ prizes.

During the workshop, there are no limits to creativity—and this leads to many exciting ideas and solutions each year.

You can find further big and small actions and events about science on Future Lab Aachen’s website.

DSA IdeaWorks

How Creative Ideas Become Innovative Products for the Future

Searching new solutions, testing, examining and at the same time still get a little more efficient: With our internal "IdeaWorks" projects, we have found a new way to turn clever ideas into reality and in doing so to face the challenges of the future.

Here, we need to develop innovative solutions for the future in an agile working team of diverse creative ideas—from building the first prototype to finalizing the new product. For example, our team developed a concept for a mobile testing system in which production employees are electronically guided through various production processes in the plant using portable computer systems, so-called wearables (e.g. smartglasses, smartwatches) or tablets. The first prototypes have already been presented at various trade fairs.

Cooperations with Local Universities

For several years, DSA cooperates very closely with the RWTH Aachen as well as the FH Aachen. Within this framework, we carry out various practical projects together with the students, propose topics for degree theses and offer opportunities for internships. In guest lectures and practical workshops, we show the students how what they have learned theoretically can be put into practice, ensuring a close interlocking of lecture content with the requirements of practice.
Often, the mutual commitment for the students leads to a later professional career at DSA.

As a partner of the Computer Science Department of the RWTH Aachen University, we are gold sponsor at the annual Summer Festival and Day of Computer Science. Twice a year, we award the best master thesis with the DSA Master Award, which is endowed with a cash prize of 750 Euro.

IT4Kids Educational Partnership

With our support of the nationwide educational initiative IT4Kids, we help schools to establish and expand their digital offerings in order to provide young school children with accessible digital education. Among other things, the initiative trains students to run IT4Kids courses in primary schools.

Under the motto "Computer science - easy as can be!", the student course instructors offer proven content and exciting projects, making it possible to experience the fascination of the digital world. In a playful way, children are given an introduction to the world of graphic programming.